James Snow Physiotherapy

The quickest way to get started is to call us at the clinic to book an appointment time that is convenient for you. You could also book an appointment by clicking “book appointment” on the home page, by e-mailing us at jamesnowphysio@gmail.com or you could simple call us at 905 878 1220.

The frequency of treatments is dependent on the severity of your injuries. Our physiotherapist will be able to discuss your particular needs at the completion of your first visit. Your commitment to your treatments (attendance, compliance with exercises, etc.) is essential to a positive outcome of your rehabilitation.

Currently, we are able to directly bill most insurance company. Our patients at James Snow Physiotherapy will have the option of having us directly bill to their insurance companies or submit their claims on their own.

At James Snow Physiotherapy, we are fully equipped to help people who have been involved in a motor vehicle accident. Upon your first visit you will need to bring in your car insurance information and your accident claim number, if you have one (this could be found on your police report, if you have one).
Our qualified staff at James Snow physiotherapy will assess your condition and make recommendations for your care. We will directly bill your car insurance company for the treatments, so you will not have to pay for out of pocket expenses.

James Snow Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre is a WCIB authorized treatment provider where our qualified staff will be happy to provide treatment under WSIB coverage. Upon your first visit, we will assess your condition, and submit your information directly to the WCIB along with coordinating your treatment plan. Our clinic will directly be billing WSIB therefore, you will not have to pay our of pocket.

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